Monday, May 30, 2011

More pairs

I have a strange fascination with twins. What can I say? I am a weirdo.  It's hard to find vintage photos of twins, so I collect old photos of couples and pairs as well. I got all of these photos from my mother-in-law. I think they are pretty cool.

I mean, isn't this great?


  1. I love the photo of the old man and the boy. I'm wondering what the photographer was going for?

    Are they random people or relatives of someone? Either way, awesome finds.

  2. LOVE the jail photo! Ha ha

  3. The old man and the boy are related. I do know that.

  4. The old man and the boy!! Now that is a great old photo:)
    I see you have the same sickness as I do with a love for the old photos:)
